Perfect fit for fine lingerie

HUNKEMÖLLER is a Dutch clothing company specialising in underclothes and lingerie. The company was founded in 1886 as a corset shop in Amsterdam and is today a multi-channel retailer with over 6,200 employees in 23 countries. 

The company's external image is characterised by aesthetic product photos. Design and a positive charisma are key elements for the brand. The products are presented by renowned models such as Sylvie Meis and most recently Doutzen Kroes.

Adequate to Hunkemöller's high design and quality standards, the new German headquarters in Gelsenkirchen, directly at the marina of the Rhine-Herne Canal, was furnished with PALMBERG products. Furniture from the ENTREE, PENSUM, SELECT, CREW, SYSTO TEC, KONFERENZ and PRISMA 2 series was used.

The result is convincing. The tasteful furnishing of all rooms enhances the modern ambience and underpins the HUNKEMÖLLER brand in an elegant way.

  • CREW Beistelltisch

  • Tisch aus der Serie KONFERENZ

  • Konferenztisch SYSTO TEC

  • Garderoben KIT, grau

  • PRISMA 2 Schrank und Regal, grau

  • SYSTO TEC Konferenztisch

  • Schreibtisch PENSUM, Wange, grau

  • Schreibtisch PENSUM, aufgedockt auf SELECT Sideboard

Fotos: Andrea Dingeldein, Köln

Planning: Nienhaus Bürocenter, Gelsenkirchen